Exceptional large Victorian silver salver

Exceptional large Victorian silver salver

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Victorian silver salver of exceptional weight and finely hand-engraved with intricate geometric patterns. The centre is engraved with a family crest, bearing the motto Dominus Providebit which translates as The Lord will Provide and is attributed to the Boyle family or clan.

The term salver was used in England from the mid-seventeenth century to denote a flat tray without handles, usually made of silver. Like this one, some salver designs feature supporting feet - usually three or four.

The word derives from the Latin salvare meaning to save. Originally, food or drink intended for royalty would be initially tasted by a servant for signs of poison before it reached the royal top table. Being served on the salver indicated that this process had taken place and the food and drink was now fit for a king.

Salvers later became commonplace in aristocratic and wealthy homes and Samuel Pepys is recorded as an owner of a salver, signifying his high social standing.


Height 25 mm / 1 "
Diameter 365 mm / 14 "
Weight 1277 g (41.06 troy ozs)




